Welcome to my site!! Here you will find all sorts of things, from quotes to threats to music to pictures. This site is basically
a bunch of madness all put together in one. Nothing really has anything to do with anything else. So have fun. I'm sure it
will keep you entertained. For a while. Oh, and this is not going to actually be the real site. I can't figure out how to
upload it from the program I used to make it. And so many people have been like "When are you putting up your site"
and I was like "Uh, I have no idea, because when you put me and my computer together you get two stupid retards that
can't do anything" I guess that's my fault for bragging about how TOTALLY AWESOME my real site will be. So for now, here
is a sample, that I made right here on the internet at Tripod. Sorry for all the friggen pop-ups, that's why it was free :)
Anyways, have a SUPER day