Alrighty. Are you angry? Do you need some good, original threats?. Check out these ones.
- I will unleash an angry cat in your pants
- I will duck tape your balls to the ceiling
- I will drive over your skull with my bike.
- Death by spatula
-Death by pigeon
- I'll kick your nuts up through your mouth.
-I'll set my pet tree loose of you and laugh as it decapitates you.
-I'll staple your butt cheeks together so you finally get so full of poo you explode.
-I'll shove a bee hive I had previously kicked down your throat
- I'll kill you with a rubber duck
- I'll leave you stranded on a desert island with Michael Jackson
-I'll dress you in red then lock you in a room with an angry bull. But first I'll kick the bull in the butt and spin you
around ten times.